Tuesday, October 1, 2013


"NOTICE OF JUDGMENT" below, should have read "NOTICE OF DEFAULT".



Plaintiff/Creditor:            Andrew Bransford Brown
1218 Hoe Avenue, #331
Bronx, New York  10459
(347) 360-2267

Defendant/Debtor:        The Association of the Bar of the City of New York
                                                (all living beings on the membership roster as of September 20th, 2013)

A Judgment was declared against the Defendant/Debtor on September 24, 2013.  Notice of this Judgment was delivered to 42 W 44th Street at 12:45pm on the same day.  It is currently past due and an 8% penalty has been applied to the initial amount.

Judgment amount:         $4,000.00 (each member of The Association of the Bar of the City of New York)
plus 8%:                    320.00

Total Due:                           $4,320.00 (each member of said association)

Additional penalties and interest will apply if this is not paid before October 14, 2013.

Note:  As the allegations in the initiating lawsuit have not been disputed, guilt is assumed.

I would settle this matter civilly before some jurisdiction in the US decides to use the civil ruling as evidence in a criminal trial.

Andrew Bransford Brown

For a copy of the initiating complaint and judgment, please see:  http://abbVsNycBar.blogspot.com
A “Quick Links” summary has been provided.

FYI, cash payment in person is highly preferred at this time and might allow negotiations in both judgment and amount.  Text me for time and place would work too.  I am usually in midtown Manhattan.


Handwritten note to be delivered to 42 W 44th Street this afternoon by me, Andrew Bransford Brown:


RE: Andrew Bransford Brown vs. The Association of the Bar of the City of New York.

To Whom it May Concern:

I, Andrew Bransford Brown, have determined the following:

1. the lawyers refuse to defend themselves.
2. they must be guilty or protecting the guilty (or they would counter with libel or slander).
3. The verdict is GUILTY (acting Judge is me due to "no contest" in negotiations).
4. SENTENCE/DAMAGES are $4,000.00 each. All licensed lawyers. Students excepted.
5. I am open to settlement of lesser amounts if aggregated or preventing me from the hassle of filing a lien on personal property or real estate.
6. I hereby request a membership roster in both digital & paper format to assist in collections. Failure to comply with this request may result in additional collection fees on top of the $4,000.00 each. Email addresses, names, and physical addresses at a minimum. Phone #'s also.

The pain and suffering of filing 25,000 liens might be substantial.

Andrew Bransford Brown

See below for a copy of the initiating lawsuit:

Supreme Court, Civil Branch, New York County
New York County Courthouse
60 Centre Street
New York, N.Y.  10007

Andrew Bransford Brown, an individual,



The Association of the Bar of the City of New York,
(unknown legal structure,
perhaps contractual organized within New York City)


Plaintiff, Andrew Bransford Brown, allege as follows:

On or about January 25, 1967 I had a trust fund whose custody was assumed by the legal organizational structure in the United States of America to include the Federal Government and all legal professionals in practice at that time.  It is unknown whose custody it was placed under, however, a legal professional or professionals must have known of its existence and paperwork is hidden or buried (or destroyed) to prevent me from discovering its existence.

Since the time of my birth (January 25, 1967), in my search for my natural parents I discovered extraordinary circumstantial evidence that can be explained in no other way than one or more lawyers formed a conspiracy and failed to deliver paperwork informing me of my trust fund on or about my 18th birthday.

Background on Trust funds:  Large, old-wealth trust funds frequently included arranged marriages or brides.  While some see the monetary value in stealing the trust, others see the opportunity to avail themselves to the 100,000,000 women who were in my trust fund.

I assert the legal community at large was coerced or tempted into the rights of first perusal of those women which grew so large as to include the Federal Government and military.  Some background understanding, Hiroshima and Nagasaki during WWII were bombed with nuclear weapons to threaten Japanese royalty into delivering their princesses according to trust funds that probably led to the trust fund in my father’s name.  Those princesses were delivered to military personnel in the United States and never reached my father.

In my research, I located my natural mother, Kay Hudson Fiset (Hudson maiden name) inSyracuse, NY.  Her father was Keith Hudson (Thousand Oaks, California resident).  She and his Japanese wife were co-trustees on his estate.  It was put into probate and I have not seen the documents.  He died at the age of 97 or 98 about 2 years ago.  My estimation is that trust will provide clues to my paternal trust.

As the de-facto bar association of the City of New York, the Defendant has a fiduciary obligation to the public at large to maintain ethics and standards of its members.  It is my estimation that one or more lawyers in said association have factual knowledge of some or all of the above.


Andrew Bransford Brown, an individual born in Honolulu, Hawaii on January 25, 1967 and currently residing at 1218 Hoe Avenue #331, Bronx, NY 10459 (a homeless shelter).  Andrew was adopted at 6 days old by Colonel Joseph Brown III (MD) and his blind wife Suzanne Hoskins Brown of Charlottesville, VA (currently residing in Atlanta, GA).  Apparent natural mother is Kay Hudson Fiset of Charlottesville, VA (currently residing in Syracuse, NY).  Note: it is possible Kay Hudson Fiset was a surrogate in an ovum donation.  My intuition and experience indicates either a Ford or Hilton was the ovum donor in 1966, however, I have no tangible proof of that.  (Plaintiff)

The Association of the Bar of the City of New York, a voluntary association of lawyers and students with unknown legal structure, apparently organized under the laws of New York City.  The association headquarters is located at 42 West 44th Street, New York, NY  10036.  (Defendant)

Factual Background

My current situation is I have been forced into poverty and am living in a homeless shelter at 1218 Hoe Avenue, Bronx, NY 10459.

My assets are $0, my liabilities are <$5,000 in credit card and other debts.

My last job was a valet parking attendant at the Marriott in Times Square (Central Parking was the employer).  I was fired from that job when I complained about being placed in a dingy garage running dispatch without break and without relief and without allowing time for dinner with no windows and running inventory on their computer for 8+ hours at a time.  I also complained the tip pool at the Marriott desk was being raided and I was receiving $5-9 for each 8 hour shift.  I was originally hired as a valet attendant who greeted customers and was fine in that job, but they forced me into a garage outside of public view.  Note: I am blonde, blue eyes, tall and fit, well groomed and very presentable.

Prior to Central Parking, I was working at Genpact (on assignment to Morgan Stanley) as Morgan Stanley’s lead software architect for their wealth management CRM.  I designed the architecture and authentication system that I termed “Fingerprint Touch” logon.  Essentially it is an identity-theft proof way of authenticating a human being on their phone.  I informed senior management of Genpact of the patentability of the technology.  After no response, I hand-wrote a description of the technology along with some intellectual property law recommendations and requested a meeting with an IP lawyer and computer security personnel at Morgan Stanley to discuss its viability.  At 6am approximately 3 months ago I distributed a copy of that handwritten note to every cubicle and office on the 10th floor at One New York Plaza on Water Street, NY.  As all personnel on that floor had the same security clearance and the handwritten note never left the floor, I did not feel this was in any way a security breach.  It was simply a memo to the team of my status on the project.  I was scolded by Genpact human resources and a day later received a call from the sales guy (not my boss) while he was in London who fired me on the phone.  Two days later I was forcibly evicted from my quasi-legal sublet on 42nd street between 9th and 10th avenues.  (a very nice concierge-type luxury building.)

I have heard through the grapevine, but do not have tangible evidence that my allowance was set to $0 about 6 years ago.  Prior to that, my allowance had been $100,000 per year, however, I had to work for that allowance because the thieves who stole my trust fund did not want me to learn of its existence.

What can I prove?

1.       Extreme competence at a world-class level in nearly any field of endeavor or subject-matter to include physics, monetary science, psychology, philosophy, linguistics, mathematics, accounting, and computer science and software development and databases and security.
2.       Total income of much less than $100,000 per year despite the above competencies with proof of extraordinary efforts and successes beyond measure.
3.       An unexplained “silent treatment” from American females (no dates or conversations or eye contact from girlfriend or marriage-quality females in my 46 years of life).
4.       An unexplained “silent treatment” from the Federal government, including the White House, CIA, military branches, Congress, and various Federal offices.  I can provide an email and fax trail that is unexplainable to any reasonable person of why there was no response.
5.       An unexplained “silent treatment” and attack from the IRS that resulted in a fraudulent tax lien filed in Maricopa County without a property address (I never owned property in Maricopa County, so how can they file a tax lien on potential property ownership?).  Further, the tax lien was a result of a fraudulent 1099 where the IRS asserted gross amount as income and refused to consider cost basis of stock purchases, although brokerage statements were provided via fax and certified mail to multiple IRS offices around the country.

What do I want?

A copy of my trust fund document as a historical document for my family records.  As the trust fund has been depleted in its entirety, I would simply like to know what happened.

The personal assets of the lawyers who did this to me and for them to be publicly and civilly stripped of all assets and personal contacts and acquaintances and placed into either a permanent homeless shelter with no cash or assets (food and water only) OR a public physical torture cube, depending on the civil or criminal proof that is discovered.

Due to my extreme poverty I request an expedited proceeding.  The soup kitchen food and living amongst homeless is highly debilitating.  My formerly nice clothes are taking a toll when following homeless people in the laundry.

I would like to request a small stipend/allowance while the suit is underway so I can afford to do laundry and buy some laundry detergent and I would also like to sit quietly in a bar this weekend and have a beer or two and buy some Backwoods smokes.  Perhaps I might be allowed food outside the soup kitchen.  An allowance of $1,500/month while the suit is underway is requested.  I might also have printing, postage, and recording fees to pay that I cannot afford at this time.